It’s a challenge to successfully write, direct and star in a big-budget, Hollywood film. And three time Academy Award nominee Edward Norton proves exactly that with his new film “Motherless Brooklyn”. This is a detective mystery drama based on a 1999 novel about the interweaving of crime, politics and romance in 1950s New York City. […]
“The show you watch on TV… this is not that show.” That’s what the audience coordinator told a crowd of about 200 prior to a recent taping I attended of the ABC game show revival “Match Game” in New York City. And that’s because, we were told, host Alec Baldwin and the celebrity panelists are […]
Alec Baldwin has been getting plenty of attention lately for his stint as President Trump on “SNL”, as host of the revival of “Match Game” and as the voice of “The Boss Baby” for DreamWorks – three comedy-oriented gigs. But Baldwin can be just as effective, at times even more so, as a serious, dramatic […]
DreamWorks Animation’s first effort of 2017 is “The Boss Baby”, generously adapted from Marla Frazee’s 2010 picture book about a baby with a briefcase who randomly shows-up to the house of a husband and wife. The concept is certainly out-there, and could’ve been taken in a load of directions. My main question going in was […]