“The Wild” is an animated movie about five zoo animals – a lion, snake, giraffe, koala bear and a squirrel- who go on an adventure to find the lion’s son. “Ryan”, the lion cub, is upset because he can’t roar like his dad. He accidentally gets put on a ship bound for Africa and the […]
Before I start this review – what’s up with the title? First it was supposed to be “ICE AGE 2”, then it became “ICE AGE: The Meltdown.” What happened to the “2”? Anyway, the movie is the sequel to the 2002 hit and all the main characters are back: Sid the Sloth (voiced by John […]
“The Shaggy Dog” is a very funny remake of the 1959 Disney movie. This time the special sheep dog first lives in China and is over three hundred years old. He is brought to America and ends up in a laboratory. When he escapes and bites a lawyer named Dave Douglas, who’s played by Tim […]
If there’s nothing else at the video store or on TV it’s time to watch “Doogal”, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. “Doogal” is an animated adventure about four animal friends – Ermintrude (a cow) , Dylan (a bunny), Brian (a snail) and a dog named Doogal. They go on a quest to find […]
“Eight Below” is the true-life story of eight dogs and their owner who is a guide in the Antarctic. The group goes on an expedition with a scientist who’s looking for a rock that came from the planet Mercury. The scientist nearly drowns in the icy water but the dogs save him. However, when the […]
“Curious George” is a wonderful movie that is surprisingly emotional and very funny. The story is about a regular man (in a yellow hat) named Ted who owns a museum, along with an old man (voiced by Dick Van Dyke) and his son. Ted (who is voiced by Will Ferrell) goes exploring in Africa and […]
“Hoodwinked” is a very funny animated comedy that’s centered around four characters – Little Red Riding Hood (voiced by Anne Hathaway), Granny(Glenn Close), The Wolf (Patrick Warburn) and The Woodsman (Jim Belushi). One of them is guilty of stealing recipies from all the forest creatures. The police capture them all and let each of them […]