It’s the second awards season without The Weinstein Company – a studio that often dominated awards shows. TWC was also very strategic in how they distributed their Oscar contenders. And now, Universal is stepping in and taking a move right out of Weinstein’s “playbook” (you’ll get the pun in a minute). “Green Book” opened in […]
In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, The Weinstein Company has decided to push the drama “The Current War”, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Michael Shannon to 2018. It was originally scheduled for a prime awards season limited start on Nov. 24. This is far from the first time TWC has made a significant release […]
“Hoodwinked” is a very funny animated comedy that’s centered around four characters – Little Red Riding Hood (voiced by Anne Hathaway), Granny(Glenn Close), The Wolf (Patrick Warburn) and The Woodsman (Jim Belushi). One of them is guilty of stealing recipies from all the forest creatures. The police capture them all and let each of them […]