Following a shift from 20th Century Studios to Focus Features, “The Bikeriders” (a new drama from director Jeff Nichols) finally opens in theaters on June 21st. It stars Jodie Comer, Austin Butler and Tom Hardy. Hardy earned an Oscar nomination for his performance in 2015’s “The Revenant”, which is among some of his best work. […]
“Blue Bayou” comes from writer, director and actor Justin Chon. In this case, Chon’s most impressive talent of the three is his acting. He plays Antonio, a Korean American man who has lived in the U.S. since he was three years old. He’s currently a tattoo artist in New Orleans and is married to Kathy […]
“Atomic Blonde” is an action/thriller opening July 28. It stars Charlize Theron as, essentially, the female version of “John Wick”. She’s feisty and likes to kick butt. Theron actually trained for “Atomic” in the same gym as “JW” star Keanu Reeves, who was getting ready for “John Wick: Chapter Two”. That sequel opened in February […]