The new PBS Kids animated series “Carl the Collector” (premiering Thursday November 14th) is about a kid raccoon who has autism. He loves collecting things and sharing his enthusiasm for collections and activities with his friends and family. “CTC” is created by Zachariah OHora (of the Fuzzytown book universe). Lisa Whittick is the show’s director. […]
One of the best in the business when it comes to animation and family programming is PBS KIDS. “Lyla in the Loop”, a great new series, joins the lineup this Monday February 5th (check your local listings). Emmy-winning creator and executive producer Dave Peth and EP and head writer Fracaswell Hyman loop me in on […]
Creators Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson discuss their new PBS Kids animated series ‘Elinor Wonders Why’ in this Animation Scoop Q&A. ————————————– Lights Camera Jackson (a.k.a. Jackson Murphy) began his career as a film critic/entertainment reporter in 2006 at the age of 7. Jackson has written over 1,000 reviews of new releases. And altogether he […]