Murder mystery detective comedy “Grimsburg” joins FOX’s Animation Domination lineup this Sunday January 7th at 8pm. Showrunner Chadd Gindin clues me in on all facets of the entertaining series, including working with star and EP Jon Hamm. Since the podcast began in 2011, Jackson has welcomed-in more than 250 entertainment industry figures. Jackson’s first guest […]
Chadd Gindin is the showrunner of FOX animated series “Grimsburg”, starring Jon Hamm, which premieres in 2024. Gindin previews “Grimsburg”, and what attenddees can expect at Saturday’s NYCC panel, in this Animation Scoop Q&A. —————————– Lights Camera Jackson (a.k.a. Jackson Murphy) began his career as a film critic/entertainment reporter in 2006 at the age of […]