At Blue Sky Studios, Carlos Saldanha directed “Ice Age” and “Rio” installments, as well as “Ferdinand”, which earned him a Best Animated Feature Oscar nomination. Now Saldanha is the director of a new live-action family film featuring some hand-drawn and CG animation. “Harold and the Purple Crayon”, adapted from the beloved book, opens in theaters […]
“Rio 2” is the sequel to 2011’s animated musical hit from Blue Sky Studios, the makers of the “Ice Age” series. “Rio” had a very average story, eye-popping, candy-colored characters and over-the-top musical numbers. The same can be said for this sequel, which is unfortunately unlikable. Blu and Jewel (again voiced by Jesse Eisenberg and […]
I have an “Epic” conversation with Blue Sky Studios co-founder and “Epic” Director Chris Wedge. The LCJ Q&A Podcast is hosted by Emmy award-winning film critic, entertainment reporter and media personality Lights Camera Jackson. Jackson interviews actors, directors, writers, producers, animators, TV hosts, comedians and other celebrities. They discuss their latest, past and future projects. […]