“Eight Below” is the true-life story of eight dogs and their owner who is a guide in the Antarctic. The group goes on an expedition with a scientist who’s looking for a rock that came from the planet Mercury. The scientist nearly drowns in the icy water but the dogs save him.
However, when the group has to leave and get the scientist to the hospital they have to leave the dogs behind because there isn’t enough room on the plane. The guide (who’s played by Paul Walker) can’t live with the fact that he left his dogs to die. So, after 5-months, he and some friends head back to the Antarctic to try to save them.
This is a great adventure movie and it also has some very touching moments. The scenery is beautiful and dog lovers will really enjoy watching and rooting for the huskies. There are a few scary scenes and sad moments which is why it’s rated PG. You may want to keep the very little ones away.
On The Official Kid Critic Report Card, “Eight Below” gets a C+.
Lights Camera Jackson (a.k.a. Jackson Murphy) began his career as a film critic/entertainment reporter in 2006 at the age of 7. Jackson has written nearly 1,000 reviews of new releases. All together he has seen more than 1,500 films. In 2010, Jackson became the youngest person to win a NY Emmy Award, for his on-air movie reviews on Time Warner TV station, Capital News 9.
LCJ appears every Friday morning on WGNA-FM . His movie reviews are also posted on his website, his YouTube channel and the popular website Cultjer.com. He is also a contributing writer for Jerry Beck’s AnimationScoop.com. Jackson hosts the weekly internet pop culture news show “LCJ LIVE” (every Sunday at Noon ET). And “The LCJ Q&A Podcast” features interviews with celebrities and filmmakers. Among those who have joined LCJ on the show are comedy legend Gilbert Gottfried, “Wallace & Gromit” creator Nick Park, Emmy-winning game show host Todd Newton and Oscar-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody.
Lights Camera Jackson has been co-starring in photographs with his favorite celebrities since he was 6 years old. “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest appeared in the first. Seacrest was a VIP guest at a local telethon. Jackson, a big fan of “Idol”, approached Seacrest during a break and asked for an autograph. The “Idol” star eagerly obliged. Jackson and Ryan then posed for this photo.
Since then Jackson’s collection of photos with stars from film, TV, stage and sports has grown to over 400. Every one represents a special moment in the life/career of Lights Camera Jackson and includes its own unique backstory.